OUR HOME: channing's room

channing's bedroom is filled with color, hand made items, vintage goodies and random things i have collected both back when she was just a dream and yesterday at the thrift store.  this is the one room in the house where i bring in girly florals and more vintage/less modern items.  ​the room is small but packed full of bold, colorful things.  i adore spending time in this space.

​original swiss coocoo clock...gifted by luc's grandparents.

​Katie Daisy print from etsy

​this was my grandmother's dresser.  to see more of my fabric embellished furniture items, please visit my etsy shop. 


​one my favorite baby shower gifts and channing's favorite book.  alice and wonderland pop up. 

​my pregnant belly cast, created at 8 1/2 months.

​my pregnant belly cast, created at 8 1/2 months.

baby g (gray is our last name) was this little bird's name until we decided on channing eleanor right before her birth.​

​two of my favorite photos of all time.  my great grandmother and my mom when she was small.