when channing was small, we took lots of hikes with her in our fantastic kelty backpack...while on daddy's back. this week we took our first actual hike together, just she and i. we are really fortunate to live just half a mile from red rocks park (which is mild in terrain and very open and pretty) so we loaded up and headed out. it took her a few minutes to get the hang of it...20 to be exact. that's how long we just sat at the beginning of the trail and played in the dirt. after a little prompting to go "hike" and with the discovery of her first walking stick, we finally headed up the trail. after a few people passed us by, using sets of hiking/ski poles, she decided she needed an additional "walking stick" to continue on our way. once that was found, we were really good to go. she just wanted to keep going and going. and we hiked for quite some time! those little legs got a good work out and had a great little adventure.
our afternoon was truly complete after i gave her the backpack so she could play with the "snaps". right now, this little bird is into anything that clips together - the high chairs at restaurants, her car seat, the stroller and now...this backpack. literally 30-40 minutes of clicking and unclicking...why didn't i think of this sooner?
we have quite the little adventurer and lover of the outdoors!
a beautiful day for a hike!
the discovery of stick #1
she loves giving hugs...even to rocks.
the discovery of stick #2
just takin it all in...
heading back
taking a well deserved and much needed break...that's a lot of walking we did for those two tiny legs!