a day in photos
i have really been missing my "a day in photos" segment and hope to bring it back on fridays. i love looking back and seeing what was happening throughout the day. today it was cold and very snowy…with great big snowflakes falling all day long. we are right in the middle of potty training (for the 3rd try) and finally having amazing success! perseverence has been the answer. here's a peak into what our friday looked like...
i have been waking up early all week…working on projects of mine, doing a little yoga, enjoying the quiet house before everyone else wakes up.
bedhead and books…pretty much how every morning starts off around here.
clean little undies for the day.
snow, snow and more snow.
pancakes, per her request.
so proud of all of those stickers!!
victory potty march
if she isn't reading, she is painting.
watching the snow fall
we are ready for february!
post nap fruit and yogurt pop
still snowing...
always singing!